Achievements & Media

Prameet’s achievements and media reach spans continents.
He is partly responsible for the evolution of the Indian Fitness industry from 2008, where “bodybuilding” was the predominant form of fitness and wellness.

Prameet introduced Functional movement patterns, Posture alignment (assessment with solutions), Yoga & Meditation, Professional ethics for personal trainers, and brought about a more holistic narrative to the industry and the population at large.

He helped empower personal trainers from the Slums, by launching his initiate “Slum PT”, where the focus was on knowledge share from Australia to India, thereby bypassing the need for a personal trainer to have proficient English to earn a respectable income. (Their income was increased by 5 times)

He continues to work with Individuals, Celebrities, International sports people, Corporations, Resorts and continues to travel the world conducting health and wellness retreats focused on health and happiness. 

He continues to offer his services both F2F and Digitally. 

Individuals | Celebrities | International sports people

Introduced #Virat.Kohli to Classical Yoga and worked with Ravi Shastri and Bharat Arun before the 2015 cricket world cup.

Corporations | Brands

Set up SWITCH-Health and Wellness as a vertical for ProSport and CODS Hospital specializing in Obesity, Diabetes and Cancer. Analysed Gap in businesses and suggested a new vertical to go along with the current business model.
Launched in 2008 with you in mind, commando bootcamp is India's first bootcamp! We offer you a smarter and safer way of getting fit, having fun, building new friendships, competing within yourself & others ultimately pushing your boundaries to the next level, all in a marter and afer way!
Turnkey project completed in Nine months from Resort to Retreat. Gap Analysed along with implementation plan, Systems & Procedures, Marketing and Strategising, Formed, Trained and Managed the teams.
Consultant to find gaps in current Communication and Operations. Developed the Fitness and Activities centre strategy to go in line with the Retreat space, Managed the Fitness and Activities centre. Marketing and Strategizing, Formed a team and managed it ,Roles and Responsibilities based on personality types.
Gap analysed with an Implementation plan, Developed Systems & Procedures with Implementation, Staff training, Communication between front end and back end.
Consulted in aligning its personal training vertical by systemizing the procedures for Intake into the organizing. Additionally systemized training standards and delivery methods for Personal trainers by up-killing them in Postural analysis, Ethics, marketing, and functional movement patterns.

Manifest With Your Subconscious Mind